
Build Status NPM

A Node implementation of the Zermelo API.


npm install zermelo.js

const { createSession, loginBySessionInfo } = require('zermelo.js');
// or with es6 modules:
// import { createSession, loginBySessionInfo } from 'zermelo.js'

// Replace every '<thing>' with your credentials:

// create a session
createSession('<schoolid>', '<authcode>')
    .then(sessionInfo => loginBySessionInfo('<schoolid>', sessionInfo)) // create an Zermelo instance using the created session
    .then(zermelo => zermelo.userInfo()) // get the info of the logged in user
    .then(user => console.log(`Hey ${user.firstName}!`)) // say hi
    .catch(err => console.error('something went wrong:', err)); // something went wrong

Useful links

  • Documentation: http://www.simplyapps.nl/zermelo/index.html

Before creating issues

  1. Update all your packages with npm update
  2. Be sure you haven't made a typo and your code is correct (check the docs)
  3. Don't create issues which occur in a modified version


  • Document your code using jsdoc
  • Respect and follow the current programming style
  • Test your changes with npm test
  • Check your code style with eslint
  • Only commit the src/ and test/ directory
