
 * @module zermelo

import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import FormData from 'form-data'
import _ from 'lodash'
import Announcement from './announcement.js'
import Appointment from './appointment.js'
import AuthError from './authError.js'
import School from './school.js'
import SessionInfo from './sessionInfo.js'
import User from './user.js'
import * as util from './util.js'

 * @private
class Zermelo {
	 * @param {String} apiUrl
	 * @param {SessionInfo} sessionInfo
	constructor(apiUrl, sessionInfo) {
		 * @type String
		 * @readonly
		 * @private
		this._apiUrl = apiUrl
		 * @type SessionInfo
		 * @readonly
		this.sessionInfo = sessionInfo

	 * Builds an url with `this._apiUrl` and the current's session accessToken,
	 * while adding `slug`.
	 * @private
	 * @param {String} slug
	 * @return {String}
	_url(slug) {
		const c = /\?/.test(slug) ? '&' : '?'
		return `${this._apiUrl}/${slug}${c}access_token=${this.sessionInfo.accessToken}`

	 * @param {Object} [options={}]
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.current=true]
	 * 	@param {Date} [options.from] Time is ignored.
	 * 	@param {Date} [options.to] Time is ignored.
	 * @return {Promise<Announcement[]>}
	announcements({ current = true, from, to } = {}) {
		let slug = ''
		if (from != null && to != null) {
			if (!util.isValidDate(from) || !util.isValidDate(to)) {
				return Promise.reject(new Error('from and to must be valid dates'))

			from = util.date(from)
			to = util.date(to)

			slug += `&start=${util.urlDate(from)}&end=${util.urlDate(to)}`
		} else if (current) {
			slug += '&current=true'

		const url = this._url(`announcements?user=~me${slug}`)
		return fetch(url)
		.then(res => res.json())
		.then(res => res.response.data)
		.then(items => items.map(a => new Announcement(a)))
		.then(items => _.sortBy(items, 'start'))

	 * @param {Date} from
	 * @param {Date} [to=from + 1 day]
	 * @param {Object} [options={}]
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.onlyBase=false] If `true` only base
	 * 	apopointments are given.
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.latest] If `true` only the latest appointments
	 * 	are given, if `false` only the non-latest appointments are given, and
	 * 	when `undefined` this option is ignored.
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.cancelled] If `true` only cancelled
	 * 	appointments are given, if `false` only non-cancelled appointments are
	 * 	given, and when `undefined` this option is ignored.
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.includeHidden=false] Whether or not to include
	 * 	hidden appointments.
	 * 	@param {Date} [options.modifiedSince] When this is not `undefined`,
	 * 	`options.latest` will be set to undefined.
	 * 	@param {Boolean} [options.ignoreTime=true] If `true` the time is set to
	 * 	00:00 for both `from` and `to`.
	 * @return {Promise<Appointment[]>}
	appointments() {
		let [ from, to ] = _(arguments).filter(_.isDate).sortBy().value()
		if (to == null) {
			to = new Date(from)
			to.setDate(to.getDate() + 1)

		if (!util.isValidDate(from) || !util.isValidDate(to)) {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('from and to must be valid dates'))

		const options = _.find(arguments, _.isPlainObject) || {}
		let {
			onlyBase = false,
			includeHidden = false,
			ignoreTime = true,
		} = options

		if (ignoreTime) {
			from = util.date(from)
			to = util.date(to)

		let url = `appointments?user=~me&start=${util.urlDate(from)}&end=${util.urlDate(to)}`

		if (modifiedSince != null) {
			url += `&modifiedSince=${util.urlDate(modifiedSince)}`
			latest = false

		if (onlyBase != null) {
			url += `&base=${onlyBase}`
		if (latest != null) {
			url += `&valid=${latest}`
		if (cancelled != null) {
			url += `&cancelled=${cancelled}`
		if (includeHidden != null) {
			url += `&includeHidden=${includeHidden}`

		return fetch(this._url(url))
		.then(res => res.json())
		.then(res => res.response.data)
		.then(items => items.map(i => new Appointment(i)))
		.then(items => _.sortBy(items, 'start'))

	 * @return {Promise<User>}
	userInfo() {
		return fetch(this._url('users/~me'))
		.then(res => res.json())
		.then(res => res.response.data[0])
		.then(res => new User(res))

	 * @return {Promise<School>}
	school() {
		return fetch(this._url('schools'))
		.then(res => res.json())
		.then(res => res.response.data[0])
		.then(res => new School(res))

function getApiUrl (schoolid) {
	return `https://${schoolid}.zportal.nl/api/v3`

 * @method loginBySessionInfo
 * @param {String} schoolid
 * @param {SessionInfo} sessionInfo
 * @return {Zermelo}
export function loginBySessionInfo (schoolid, sessionInfo) {
	const apiUrl = getApiUrl(schoolid)
	return new Zermelo(apiUrl, sessionInfo)

 * @method createSession
 * @param {String} schoolid
 * @param {String} authcode
 * @return {Promise<SessionInfo>}
export function createSession (schoolid, authcode) {
	const apiUrl = getApiUrl(schoolid)
	const url = `${apiUrl}/oauth/token`
	authcode = authcode.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')

	const form = new FormData()
	form.append('grant_type', 'authorization_code')
	form.append('code', authcode)

	return fetch(url, {
		method: 'POST',
		body: form,
	.then(r => r.json())
	.then(r => new SessionInfo(r))
	.catch(() => {
		throw new AuthError('invalid authcode')

 * The version of the library.
 * @type String
 * @readonly
export const VERSION = __VERSION__

export {